
1. Quality of work
               The quality of work I put out in this class I would say is either average or slightly above average, but definitely has a long ways to go to being great. My work is always completed on time (with the exception of my animation where I experienced technical problems), and I pay attention to the correct format and resolution. However, while I do take note of the objective of the assignment, I need to work on taking it a step further and incorporating a few of my own ideas.

2. Effort
                While I put a significant amount of effort into my work, I probably could be giving even more. I take time to learn new things on photoshop in order to make my design work, however if I think it will be too difficult, I may tend to go a different route that doesn't make the piece as good. I find it interesting to look at other people's work to see their take on the assignment, and sometimes I will try to keep in mind their methods for my future work.

3. Participation
                 I am on time to this class daily and usually work, on my piece throughout the period. However, sometimes I will take a day to study instead of work if I have a test coming up later in the day. Also, if my project is completed early I may take some free time, but I will not take free time if I am in the middle of a project.

4. Improvement
                 I definitely have improved since the beginning of this semester. Not only have I gained more skills on photoshop, but I have gained a greater confidence in my work. Looking back on my first project in this class, I have done things on photoshop I never thought I would be able to do (partially because I have never used photoshop until August). One thing I still need to improve on is my creation of my own style, as I still rely on styles that have already been made to influence my work.

5. 2nd Semester
                  In the coming semester I hope to improve all around. I need to take my time on projects more often and not rush through them just to put something out. This includes taking my time to figure out the best method to make sure my project looks its best. I need to develop my own style and incorporate my own ideas into my work to make to more unique to me. While I have already gained confidence in my work, I wish to gain more, as I still get nervous sometimes to show it in front of the class during critiques. I also need to make my pieces stronger, and with a deeper meaning. Usually I will work directly to what the assignment says and will forget to make the work more compelling to the audience.


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