Art Generators This art generator was easy to use and did not take a lot of control to make the art. You could change the color, and way that the color formed by selecting the amount it would "spiral". However, if you are wanting more control over your work this generator may not be for you. It was not the easiest to save this image, as it had to be saved from a thumbnail and I did not know how to do that until I asked for help. This art generator mimicked the process of making sand art which I found to be unique to many of the art generators online. You could change the color but not much else. By dragging your mouse across the screen you could dump sand to make an image, however the "mountain" shapes were inevitable as the sand would always come to a point. This website is good if you just want to play around or make a simple design, however, if you want to make a specific image, it could be a bit tricky. Saving the picture was very eas...